The Hosts might be cool, but…

You belong here just as much as anyone else.

She has played the piano for over 20 years

Talk about dedication to one’s craft. Fun fact, the score in the podcast is a recording of her playing, talk about skill!! She also teaches piano to kiddos after her second job. That’s right folks, she has three jobs!

Included below are two videos of full songs and a third video that shows the process she goes through when practicing.


She has a dog named Winston

She enjoys crafting, specifically cross stitching.

She summited Mt St Helens at 18 years old.

She didn’t really train for it, and thought she might die, and it took her 16 hours round trip through Climber’s Bivouac but the view was amazing and worth it. This was back before cell phones had cameras, so she doesn’t have any pictures.

She has spent her life as a nurse, that’s right she helps save lives!

She focused on populations with poverty status, such as maternity in a county hospital, correctional nursing (nurse who takes care of inmates in prison), developmental disabilities & high risk Medicaid community case management.

She’s also a nerd - specifically for Sci-Fi

Outdoor activities? SIGN HER UP!

Kayaking, horses, hiking, camping, walking, beach campfires….you get it

She has jumped out of perfectly good plane just to see what it was all about.

She also had a dog named Winston, but had to rehome him when she left a difficult situation.

She still stays in touch though, as often as she can with him. He was named after Winston Churchill. Mainly because he will sit there and look all judgy at people.


She also enjoys crafting, specifically knitting.

She prefers to make baby things for people, mainly because they take less time.

She did Pointe Ballet in her early college years.

She spent over 12 years finishing her degrees, and still has about a year of her studies left for her Masters of Science in Nursing. However, for the first year of college, so ages 17 and 18, she did pointe ballet. She also was part of her high school dance team, although not Varisty level.

Now tell us about YOU! We want to build a community, and that starts with the simple things. :)